What is FlexABM
FlexABM® is a proven enterprise-wide Activity-Based Costing and Management (ABC/M) solution that identifies the true cost of all activities and provides decision-makers with the analytical tools, models, and methodologies to effectively evaluate business processes.
FlexABM provides intuitive costing of activities and processes and is ideally suited to any sized enterprise or industry segment – large or small, financial or non-financial, private or public sector. By utilizing a familiar “drag and drop” tree structure, grouping and tagging, and roll up functionality, data modelling is uncomplicated, yet extremely advanced.
FlexABM offers:
Unlimited modelling elements
Group and tag activities with multiple roll-ups
Multi-level activity assignments and cost objects
Automatic attributions and activity driver weighting
Detailed models that accurately express expenditures and use of resources across an organization
Models that incorporate revenue and profitability
Multi-dimensional reporting with any combination of products, customers, or other dimensions
What-if Scenarios
FlexABM is a complete ABC/M solution with:
Full reciprocal costing
Advanced data modelling, and
Dynamic reporting
"FlexABM has enabled us to effectively manage and value the large number of transactions we generate as well as provide accurate project costs and profitability analysis."
G. Andrew Hoggarth, VP Corporate and Financial Services – Peterborough Utilities Services Inc.,
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Contact Us to Get Started with CRG FlexABM
sales@crgroup.com or call 1.800.576.6215